Gods of Love: An Otome Visual Novel - системные требования, дата выхода, скриншоты

Gods of Love: An Otome Visual Novel

Год релиза
Windows, Mac OS, Linux (+Steam OS)
Y Press Otomes
Y Press Otomes
Системные требования
ОС: Windows XP System Pack 1
Процессор: 1GHz
Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
Видеокарта: DirectX or OpenGL compatible card
Место на диске: 500 MB
про любовь, про любовь взлом, про любовь девочек, про любовь на русском

Об игре

The healer Thalia has developed magical powers and the gods of her world think she might be a new goddess they can marry. Poor Thalia just wants to do her work!

Thalia’s magical powers were a secret until one of the gods found out about them. Now all four gods of Sendicry have taken an interest in her.

As the sole guardian of her little sister and the healer of her village, Thalia has enough on her plate. She doesn’t have time to be fending off the the romantic overtures of four amorous gods.

Helder is the god of virtue and Rhane is a fallen god who lives in her village. Thalia knows those two won’t be trouble, but what about the Lord of the Underworld and the mischievous God of Love!?

A PG-13 Otome Visual Novel by the Italian Studio Dany&Dany!
4 Romantic Routes full of twists and turns
Up to 30 Gorgeous Digitally Painted CGs
Numerous Endings
Loaded with Steam Achievements
Spine Tingling Romance!

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